Monday, January 2, 2012

All The Hype About 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

The year has finally come! I remember talking to my friend back in 2008 about the Mayans predicting the end of the world in 2012, and laughed at how many years we still have left.

The thing is, is it really true? Well here are the many ways how the world will be predicted to end:

If it is true. Should we start preparing now? Hahaha! I mean there won't be much point to save up our money and plan for next year since we are all gonna die anyway. If the world should end, I wonder how would our lives end. Alien? Earthquake? Nuclear? Anti-matter? Solar flare? Sounds painful. Ouch!

If it is not true. Then there is nothing to really think about is there? Life goes on anyway. Think about how stupid people will feel when they wake up on 2013 and nothing happened.

Problem is we have no idea whether it is true or not. How are we suppose to know whether an alien is coming, or whether the Mayans or the apocalyptic prophecy is true? In an age where everything needs proof, it is kind of hard to believe in oracles and prophecies and messiahs. All regarded as primitive and its evidences unsubstantial.

Most important of all is the collective mindset of people. How so? Because people "feel" that no such things will happen, as they "feel" comfortable and normal living lives everyday that this year will be the same as every year. A catastrophe of such a big scale "feels" just too impossible to happen. How accurate is our "feelings" really?

In conclusion we really have no idea what would happen in the future. What is important is we appreciate life everyday regardless whether the world is going to end or not.
If it is going to end, then there is nothing we can do about it, so we don't have to worry.
If it is not going to end, then there is nothing to worry about.
So there is really nothing to worry about. Haha!

Have a good year ahead everyone!

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