Monday, January 9, 2012

Doing Things Alone

I guess some people like it some people don't.
Some people see it as a sad case. Well, it really isn't, and there is nothing wrong with doing things alone. Like having coffee or lunch or dinner alone. It doesn't mean I don't have friends or companions to accompany me, it just means I like to have my own company and spend time with myself.

There is nothing sad about spending time with yourself. You get to know yourself better this way. Because the person who understands you most is yourself.

I guess this is the last semester I have to take a course by myself, while my other coursemates were always there for each other. I had to re-route my course outline because of higher BBI classes who are so damn hard to register! Making me drag on Statistics and Accounting. Finally I finished my 2 BBI courses this semester, Thank God! I will be back on track with my coursemates starting next semester.

Although it was kinda freaky to take such a hard course by yourself without people you know to back you up especially when exams are near, I find it very worthwhile as I have made new friends along this 3 semesters. These friends and seniors have been very good company.

A lecturer once told us that if our Malaysian students were to go overseas to study we would die with the group mentality that we have in our uni now. Well, he's got a point. In lectures different ethnic groups will seat with each other and just mingle with each other, the great 3 groups are of course the Malay, Chinese and Indian groups.

For students who are studying abroad, I guess they had to do things alone because there are no close friends around unless you make one, or some, along your journey.

I guess the good thing about it is you can always make new friends that you will end up depending on, too. And we can grow much more as a person when alone sometimes than having to stick with people all the time...

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