Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Case of 贱男人 & 笨女人

Have you ever had those friends that loves somebody so much that they foolishly cling on to them even after they are hurt so bad so many times by that same person already. I think we all met these friends at least once in our lives.

Back in my high school days when I was counselor I have heard many of these cases - basically a girl that loves a bad boy so much even after he hurt her and mistreat her she would still give her undivided love. I haven't heard another case for so long until today. I thought that these cases would subside as we grew older because people become mature enough to protect themselves and love themselves first. I guess I was wrong.

Today a course mate told me a story about her friend, quite pretty and has a good personality, but is stuck with a guy that goes way beyond taking advantage of her. According to my friend, they broke up many times, about 30 times approximately, all because of some trivial matter, such as the bf said that the girl has changed and he cannot accept it... Many times the guy would break up with her, leave her heart broken, and go on with another girl. After he broke up with his new GF, he would come back to her and she would accept him again.

On one occasion, when they were together, the boy even had sex with another girl in his room. The best part is that she can accept it and says that as long as he is honest she can forgive him. By this point of the conversation, me and another friend is giving the WTF face already. Seriously WTF!

The girl apparently is very soft hearted and would listen to whatever the boy says. The boy would tell her not to call him to 烦 him during certain times 'cause he is busy. Basically he will layan her when he want to and ditch her aside when he doesn't feel like it. She would be heartbroken every time they breakup.

My course mate grew up with this friend and she had tried many times to advise her to leave the guy for someone better, but she wouldn't budge. She looks nice and has a lot of people courting her but she is just so hopelessly in love with this boy. No matter what people tells her, she will never move away.

These kind of boy (I wouldn't call him a man since he has no balls) are exactly the type of people that make our fellow womankind hate us. They are the kind that gets good guys' blood boiling. How can you be with a man who cheats  frequently on you and treats you like dirt! Arghh!!!

But I have seen these cases far too many times already. And the ones who gets hurt are also the friends of these girls. As a friend, we feel hurt for them when they get hurt and dumped one too many times. We know we cannot do anything to waive her belief of love to the boy, she must one day realize how foolish she was by herself. We as friends can only painstakingly stand and watch over her when she cry. And as we look into the cruel reality of such things, we can only wonder why girls seem to fall head-over-heels for someone that hurt them, and ignore those that truly love them and give them happiness.


Maybe such is life. Humans have the tendency to like to get hurt and to feel the numbness of their hearts as they weep. I have searched many years for the answer as to why girl would give such a guy their all, and as other better qualified men would die for her love. Many of my friends was, and some of them still is, in such situation. Perhaps this is fate's cruel joke; a trial to strengthen the heart. Or perhaps love is just too beautiful and worthy of getting hurt.


I think this song is suitable now: