Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It always have to happen in America???

It's very weird that in movies every major catastrophe has to happen in the US.. Example, alien visit Earth, conquering the Earth, and the first place they land is America! (Independence Day, War of the Worlds, Signs, The Day The Earth Stood Still, X-Files, Race to Witch Mountain, E.T., Paul, and the list goes on and on and on~). What about a zombie virus pandemic? It has to strike US first. (Resident Evil, Zombie Land, 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, I am Legend, etc). Or some kinda weird scary thing, like those things that turns people crazy and we don't know what it is (The Crazies, The Mist, The Happening, etc) has to happen there too. We never see aliens and zombies happen anywhere in China or Hong Kong or Malaysia and how would they deal with that.

Also, great superheroes like Superman, Spider-man, Batman, Ironman, Hulk, X-men, Green Lantern all have to happen there too!

But I guess that is because there are more creative minds of these sort of things in America than here in Asia. No asian people created anything that went on the big screen. Maybe Dragon Ball? Dragon Ball can be counted as the most successful story created in Asia that includes extra terrestrials., (Goku, Bezita was a Saiyan from Planet Vegeta and so on). But the Dragon Ball movie sucks! I guess they cant make a great Asian production better..

I would like to see if any of these things happening in Malaysia. Imagine aliens start to blast Kuala Lumpur and how Malaysians will deal with it. Or maybe turn citizens of KL into zombies? But no, no Cicakman please...
A Proton Transformer

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