Friday, June 10, 2011

Natural Selection

First off, this is not a bio lecture.
To those who don't know biology, natural selection is a process that happens in nature in all species on Earth. It is the process where the stronger individual in a species survives and the weaker individual dies off. Example, a particular giraffe has a longer neck than other giraffes and therefore is able to eat more leaves in higher trees, other giraffe has less longer necks and thus when the leaves in the lower part of the tree is finished they die of starvation while the longer neck giraffe survives.
So why does this process happen? So that the stronger and fittest individual can pass on their stronger genes and produce stronger offsprings! (For more info on this, see Darwin's Theory of Evolution)

While this happens in all species, it is not so true for the human species in the last 2 centuries. Our death tolls has dropped dramatically in the past 2 centuries since we created hospitals and extensive medical studies that cures illnesses and grocery stores to aid our food scarcity. Of course this means that the human population has risen like a rocket!

But is this really a good thing? Natural selection exist to ensure the survival of the fittest so that one generation is stronger than the next, in a sense to create stronger and stronger creatures. When humans stopped this process, we are allowing the weaker humans to survive and creates weak children. One example is hereditary diseases (illness that is passed through the parents to the children), such as color blindness and haemophilia (an illness that prevents blood clotting, and then severe loss of blood results in death). In this example, if the father has this disease, and then he passed it to his son and then the son of his son and so on! In this way, we are making our children suffer our diseases which was supposed to die off along with us. Why make them suffer horrible sickness due to our own weakness? While the stronger and healthier human should have populated the Earth.

On the other hand, with our gigantically enlarged brain, our morality, which comes from our emotions, tells us that each life has value and should not end prematurely. We all weep and cry and feel sad when a life ends. We cannot let a person die just because he/she is weak! And I am not saying we should all let sick and weak people die. But sometimes it makes me wonder, should we obey the heart of men or obey the laws of nature? 

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