Sunday, June 26, 2011


Have you ever stopped and wonder about the meaning of our existence as human being? Have you ever wondered how the universe will be without human and without anything in it?

Humans come from the Earth which comes from the beginning of the Universe. The Big Bang that created every atom and particle in this world eventually created space, galaxies, solar systems and planets. (For more info please search for the Big Bang Theory). Our planet Earth, eventually formed and cooled and a layer of gas protected it which became our atmosphere and then the first single-cell organism appears in the ocean. Eons passed and after eons of evolution, the human emerge with superior intelligent and started populating the planet.

Life as we know now comes about. But have you ever wonder how would the world be like with absolutely NOTHING in it! Think about it... There will be absolutely no Galaxies, no Planets, and no humans. No drama, no stress, no love, no happiness, no cruelty, no good, no evil. There is just nothing in this world. How would that world be like. Cold and empty and dark?

We march on with our lives everyday taking things for granted and never actually thought of the magic and miracle of life in this world. How many years it took for a planet to form and ultimately how many years it took for humans to come along. Thinking about emptiness and nothingness lets me realize how wonderful it is to be alive and to have sentience. Do you?

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