Thursday, December 15, 2011

She Says

Lately have been listening to JJ Lin's "她说". Nicely sung, great vocals and piano play, you go JJ! Weirdly I had a hard time deciphering the metaphors of the lyrics. Some part can exist as its own but does not necessarily adhere to the main story of the song. Hmm... Can anyone help me decipher some:

林俊杰 - 她说
作词: 孙燕姿 作曲:林俊杰

她静悄悄地来过  她慢慢带走沉默
只是最后的承诺  还是没有带走了寂寞
我们爱的没有错  只是美丽的独太折磨
她说无所谓  只要能在夜里翻来覆去的时候有寄托

等不到天黑  烟火不会太完美
回忆烧成灰  还是等不到结尾
等不到天黑  不敢凋谢的花蕾
绿叶在跟随  放开刺痛的滋味
今后不再怕天明  我想只是害怕清醒

不怕天明  我想只是害怕清醒

Music Video here:
MV Story here:

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