Saturday, December 17, 2011

Memories Locked or Forgotten?

Memories are such weird things... Sometimes I wonder do we really forget something? Or is it just stashed in the storeroom of our memory warehouse like how we throw our useless household items into the storeroom and forget it ever existed until we open the storeroom again?

"I'd seen in before. Twelve years ago in college. Sitting on the couch of the TA I was trying to make, waiting for her to come back out of the bathroom, hoping she'd have a condom. Somehow, my unconscious had served that up. A memory I'd never even recorded. Or was it there the whole time and all I needed was the access."
-Eddie Morra, Limitless

I guess most of us had been through so many chapters in our lives. Some really good ones that we would never want to forget, and inevitably some bad ones we never want to remember.
Many times in my counseling path I saw so many heartbroken and tangled - tangled to the one they loved so dearly that it was so hard to let go. And some still haven't let go.

As life gets busier we zip through time so fast we never looked back at the path we walked. College semesters passing faster than the last, working days past like minutes. We kept ourselves so busy that we had forgotten about the past. Or have we really?


As life slowed down now that all my assignments and presentations are finally over, I had more time to myself to do more of what I liked, and to reflect upon myself. Looking back at my old things I found some things that linked to some memories that I thought I had forgotten. Then the memories started pouring in like the seal has been lifted.

Looking back in my life I have been through quite a few notable chapters, namely Meow, Fish, Jojo, Pink, ReEiGkEoN, LCLY (current).
I remember how I used to painstakingly forced myself to forget someone for three years with no avail.
I found out I had forgotten when I stopped asking myself to forget. I used to remember every detail of every event, now I just remember how it felt.

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel."
-Maya Angelou

With every hurt we learn, and I learnt so much. I vowed to make choices that I would never regret. Some things I thought I would never look back. Some things I thought I had forgotten, but it seems like it was just locked and sealed for now. ReEiGkEoN, I haven't seen this term for so long, surprised I still remember it. Kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if things went differently. But I have no regret to the choices I made. Its my life.

Well, memories are nice but that's just what they are. Time to pack it up and keep it in the junk again, hope that next time I come see it it will become a smaller box. Its time for another tomorrow in my self assigned schedule! What I had hoped is that I have become a better man than I was then. Go LCLY~

Thank you for the memories, I will keep what is mine.

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