Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What are Blogs For?

Seriously, what is it for? I can't find a clear definition for it. Blogging have existed for such a long time now. Most people treat it as a diary to include anything and everything about their daily lives in it. Some use it to start a business (a good business plan if you ask me), some use it to tell stories, some use it so communicate, etc etc.

Perhaps blogging was a predecessor of Facebook-ing? Before Facebook was invented, there were no places that allowed people to vent their anger, share their joy, share their pictures and video besides sharing it on a blog. Where can you find a better place to look at people's stories before Facebook? The blog!

Now that Facebook has become a world wide phenomenon, blogging has become more like a diary than ever. Or is there just something about writing down your feelings down in a blog beats writing notes and statuses on Facebook everyday.

We would write down everything on a blog and keep it hidden in some part of the World Wide Web hoping some people might come across your blog and read it, rather than post something on Facebook and everybody would know it. I guess this depends on the people. Attention seekers, partially closed and the fully private people would have different uses on it. Hmm... Fascinating...

Time for class!!!

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