Thursday, December 22, 2011

What Does It Mean?

Dive to the Heart. What is it?

I took this concept from a game I love, Kingdom Hearts. A little childish I know, but it is a very good concept of the realm of our hearts that we can all relate to.

As a sane human being we have what we call a Heart. No, not the one that helps pump blood, nor is it our liver ("Hati" in Malay means Heart but also means Liver), but more to the world within our conscious self - our emotions and its domains.

We all have a place that belongs to ourselves and ourselves only, and that is within our "Hearts". It is the place we process our thought, the place we imagine things, the place where we miss and love people, the place where we put people that are important to us. The world that only you alone know's its existence, our own secret place, our happy place, our paradise, made out of things that we love.

In the game Kingdom Hearts, the Dive to the Heart is where the main character falls into the ocean of his dream world, when he reaches the bottom of the heart ocean, doves fly away from the ground and the ground is revealed to have a platform of the character with the people he love in it.

This is Sora's platform in his Dive to the Heart, with the people he love in it.

This is a nice concept although we don't really "dive" into the world in our hearts.
I often "dive" into my own heart when I have time alone. It is the time I reflect on my life. To spend time with myself, usually with music. It feels nice to escape from the real world from time to time and "dive" into our heart world to indulge in our own pleasure.

I believe unconsciously we always "dive" into our hearts when emotions struck us. Like when we are sad, heart broken, or when we are happy. Or when we are pouring our soul to write our emotions down, like when writing a blog.
Unconsciously we know who are the people we love the most and their place within our "Hearts".

I chose the title "Dive to the Heart" because this blog is a place to express the world in my heart. My Dive to my Heart.

Do you "dive" to your heart often?

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