Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's so easy to get stalked now...

What I meant is our security over the internet.

Being in the 21st century, we all have Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Friendster (if it still exists), Check-ins and dozens of blogs and websites that we participate in.

We put down all our information during the registration without knowing what effect it brings to us.

Anybody with a keen eye for observation can learn about a person's life and lifestyle just by scrolling down their page in Facebook, Twitter, or any information providing pages about yourself.

For example, we can easily determine things like what's your favourite colour, favourite hangout place, favourite food, where we live, who we mingle with, all just by look at your profile and pictures.
Check-in's just makes you easier to catch. Reminds me of a friend who was stalked by a guy through her check-in's.
Statuses can reveal more than what we write, it shows your current mental state, your vulnerability, you lifestyle. Trailing through someone's statuses we can easily get a picture of the life they have been living.

We might not think of it as this serious, but it only takes one smart (and crazy) guy who had a bit of a grasp of psychology to take one look at your profile and easily know everything about you.

But of course, I am talking about the negative effects of mentally unstable people who has any reason to stalk you and do bad things to you. There are also some positive ones, but that is another story.

Girls especially, should take more care in the things they put up on the net. The problem is people don't see the seriousness of things until it really happens to them, and then they wonder why it happens to me.


  1. Hahaha! This ar... You see your own range of acceptable reveal is what lo... Just don't always tell people where you live where you go like that...
