Thursday, June 9, 2011

Our Eggshell Life!

Most people go through with their daily lives, complaining so much and hating so much. Most of us always take life for granted. Living so long has made us forget that our life is as fragile as an egg.

There are so many millions of illness that can strike suddenly, an accident when you least expect it; one moment you are thinking about what to eat, BANG! The next moment you lie in the white room thinking how come this could have happened and praying to let you survive through this. The most scariest part of it, is that you have no way to predict what will happen and when your life will be in danger.

I bet we have heard a lot of these stories. I had a friend who her friend came and visited her and was hit by a train the next day; a friend who lost her beloved mother suddenly due to cancer; a friend happily watching TV and the next phone call she gets is from the hospital. But I guess only the people who has brushed so close to death really understands how it feels like to almost lose your live, your love, your family and everything you have.

Did you really stop to think what will it be like when someone dear to you is suddenly gone? How does it feel like? How would our daily lives be like?
Or think about what will happen if you were gone? How would their lives be like?

More often than not we think the people and things around us will always be there for us, while we lie to ourselves from the simple truth that anything can happen tomorrow and those things might be gone forever without a notice.

Of course we could not live with the fear of tomorrow, there is so much more to life we haven't seen yet I'm sure! There is nothing futile about life, life is wonderful and should be cherished every moment!

Have you tell someone you love you loved them today? Did you let the people that are important to you know that they are important?
I'm sure I did. Loving my life everyday! 

How do you choose to live your living moment?


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